The MicroLogix 1000 controller offers control capabilities in an affordable, compact package. The MicroLogix 1200 provides features and options to handle extensive range of applications.
CompactLogix programmable automation controllers offer you the benefits of the Logix control platform-common programming environment, common control engine-in a smaller footprint for machine-level
ControlLogix controllers use a common control engine with a common development environment to provide high performance in an easy-to-use environment.
The Allen Bradley PowerFlex family of drives offers a broad range of control modes to fit virtually any motor requirement. With the combination of features, options and packaging for application
Allen Bradley soft starters can be easily integrated into your intelligent motor control solution to offer higher productivity and shorter downtimes.
We provide Allen Bradley HMI which offer rugged electronic interface solutions in a variety of sizes, operator input methods, memory options and configurations. These robust devices are fully packaged
We provide a wide variety of Allen Bradley power supply solutions. From switched mode and industrial uninterruptible power supplies to transformers, every product is designed for reliability
Servo drive portfolio includes a wide variety of products that offer the right size and feature set to handle a broad range of applications.
Pepperl + Fuchs offers you a wide range of robust and reliable products. From powerful standard components to complex sensor solutions – our product portfolio matches the requirements of virtually
1. Input output list 2. Input output wiring diagram 3. Power supply wiring diagram 4. Load calculation. 5. Selection of panel instruments with suitable configuration. 6. Selection of PLC and software.
PLC Programming : - We provide ladder logic programming in all platforms of Allen Bradley PLC along with installation and commissioning fullfilling all the requirements of the customer .
SCADA Systems monitor a variety of plant data including flows, motor current, temperatures, water levels, voltages, and pressure. Alarms at central or remote sites triggered by any abnormal conditions
Human Machine interfacing provide a graphic based visualization of an industrial control and monitoring system, an HMI typically resides in an office based windows computer that communicates
1. Repair of automation Products like PLC, Drives, processors, etc. 2. Automation related trouble shooting 3. Technical support 4. Converting hard wired project into software 5. Software up gradation